UNIC CityLabs Resilient Zagreb: Natural resources and its value in dealing with crisis

Natural resources are recognized as very important resilience capacity during current crises. They have significant importance for combating the direct and indirect consequences of crises. We have discussed issues of access to urban green spaces to vulnerable social groups during a pandemic crisis: people with disabilities, the elderly, children and young people (especially from a safety perspective), the importance of a green environment for health and how natural goods are used for the purpose of achieving food self-sufficiency.

Virtual Place


Start: 25.05.2021
End: 25.05.2021


Natural resources are recognized as very important resilience capacity during current crises. They have significant importance for combating the direct and indirect consequences of crises. We have discussed issues of access to urban green spaces to vulnerable social groups during a pandemic crisis: people with disabilities, the elderly, children and young people (especially from a safety perspective), the importance of a green environment for health and how natural goods are used for the purpose of achieving food self-sufficiency

27 participants 16 students, 5 academics, 2 city representatives, 4 professionals

Zagreb has significant natural resources and forest resources. Urban garden systems are of particular importance. However, it is important to significantly improve the access to urban green areas for vulnerable social groups. There is also a necessity to improve education and motivation of citizens for food production in the context of modern challenges.


UNIC CityLabs | Urban resilience

Type of Case

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