Europsko sveučilište postindustrijskih gradova (UNIC) sastoji se od osam sveučilišta u različitim zemljama diljem Europe, koja predstavljaju osam različitih postindustrijskih gradova.

Svih osam partnera dijeli UNIC-ov identitet. Ustanovljeni smo u vrijeme postindustrijskih tranzicija, kojima i doprinosimo, a koje obiljžavaju događaji kao što su zatvaranje Opelove tvornice u Bochumu, kraj Fordove tvornice automobila u Corku, rezovi u Industriji Nokia u Ouluu ili brza digitalizacija luke u svjetskome lučkom gradu Rotterdamu, te druge važne društvene, gospodarske i kulturne transformacije. Tranzicija iz proizvodnje u usluge ujedno dovodi do širokog raspona društvenih, gospodarskih, kulturnih i demografskih transformacija. Naši postindustrijski gradovi žarišta su takvih širih transformacija u društvenom krajobrazu Europe. To uključuje transformacije na tržištu rada i u zaposlenosti (mladih), u obrascima migracija i raznolikostima povezanim s migracijama, u starim i novim nejednakostima, u utjecaju novih tehnologija, u novim zdravstvenim promjenama itd.

Koç University

Istanbul Türkiye

Founded in 1993, Koç University has quickly become one of the most prestigious universities in Türkiye with over 9062 students.

University College Cork

Cork Ireland

Often cited as one of the best universities in Ireland, the majestic campus of the University College Cork is home to 21,000 students.

Erasmus University

Rotterdam The Netherlands

Named after Dutch humanist Desiderius Erasmus, this university is ranked among the top business schools in Europe.

University of Deusto

Bilbao Spain

The oldest private university in Spain, Deusto hosts two campuses in Bilbao and San Sebastián and two other educational sites located in Madrid and Vitoria.

University of Liège

Liège Belgium

The second-largest university in Wallonia, situated on the river Meuse, traces its roots back to the medieval prince-bishops of Liège.

Ruhr University Bochum

Bochum Germany

RUB was the first university established in the industrial Ruhr-Area in 1965 with the purpose to give cultural, social and scientific impulses for the region and, especially, to educate non-traditional students.

University of Oulu

Oulu Finland

One of the northernmost universities in Europe, the University of Oulu is home to 13,000 students and many specialized research units.

University of Zagreb

Zagreb Croatia

The Croatian capital is home to the largest university in the country and the longest-running in all of Southeastern Europe.

University of Lodz


We strive to make the University of Lodz a research university, distinguished by courage, quality and reliability of research, diversity and openness in undertaken activities, educating wise and responsible citizens.

Malmö University

Malmö Sweden

Malmö University is a young and urban university located in the vibrant city of Malmö in southern Sweden.

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