UNIC4ER Workshop: Engaged Research and Teaching-Based Faculty

A special UNIC4ER workshop that dove into the applications and integration of Engaged Research into education, through case studies, experience-sharing and discussion.

Virtual Place

Online, via Zoom.


Start: 29.03.2023
End: 29.03.2023


Wed 29 March, 10:00-12:30 CEST (11.00-13.30 Istanbul Time)

Speakers included:

Dr. Siobhan O’Sullivan (Univesity College Cork) Dr. Anna Kingston (University College Cork) Dr. Gonca Ongan (Koç University Social Impact Forum) Prof. Helka-Liisa Hentilä (University of Oulu) Prof. Netta Iivari (University of Oulu)


10:00-10:10: Welcome and Introduction


A case study of integrating engaged research into undergraduate and postgraduate education in the social sciences | Dr. Siobhan O’Sullivan, Lecturer, School of Applied Social Studies, University College Cork


Engaging students in community-based research: case study of Science Shop at University College Cork, Ireland | Dr. Anna Kingston, CARL coordinator, University College Cork


Experiential Learning with Engaged Research in Social Impact | Dr. Gonca Ongan, Executive Director, Koç University Social Impact Forum (KUSIF)


Participatory urban planning & engaged research: creating authentic learning experiences in the Northern context | Prof. Helka-Liisa Hentilä, Oulu School of Architecture, University of Oulu


Connecting engaged research and teaching: Empowering schoolchildren to create real-world impact through educational, participatory design – Experiences from Research and Development project course | Prof. Netta livari, Research Unit Leader of INTERACT, Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, University of Oulu

11:50-12:20: Q&A

12:20-12:30: Wrap-up


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