City of Liège: identify the challenges

A morning of exchanges between the University and the actors of the City was organised in the context of UNIC, in order to identify the challenges that the partners of the territory are facing.


University of Liège


Start: 31.01.2023
End: 31.01.2023


A morning of exchanges between the University and the actors of the City was organised in the context of UNIC, in order to identify the challenges that the partners of the territory are facing. The aim of these meetings, which have been held since the beginning of the project, is to co-construct solutions and propose courses of action. At the end of this meeting, cross-cutting themes were identified. They will allow, in a process of mutual enrichment, to set up working groups and to reinforce the collaboration between the actors of the City and the University but also to involve the citizens and other actors of the UNIC alliance in the investigation of these questions.


UNIC CityLabs


Post-industrial Cities | Urban resilience and transformation | Future Cities

Type of Case




Organizing unic universities

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