Bilbao, violet city? Urban challenges from a gender perspective

Pop-Up Citylab

Virtual Place


Start: 01.12.2022
End: 01.12.2022


The session was organised in three parts:

The first part of the presentation was aimed at contextualising and framing the topic at a local level.

For this first part, we have the participation of: Ainhoa Izaguirre Choperena - UD Researcher (Deusto Social Values Team) who will present the European context from an academic and research perspective.

Iratxe Ortiz Garrote - Alumni of the Master in Intervention in Violence against Women who will share her practical experience in the local context.

The second part, in which an interactive activity was developed aimed at identifying challenges related to violence against women in the city of Bilbao.

It was a Jamboard through which, in the different slides, some key questions were captured that helped us to identify the main challenges in our city and with which area of the city they are connected.

In the third part, the conclusions of this participative dynamic were presented. The responses/ideas collected were in relation to Urban space challenges, public services challenges, local public administration challenges and with regard to Educational challenges and the challenges of Bilbao society.

Total participants: 19

Total students: 7

Total Staff members: 11

Total representatives of societal stakeholder: 1

Jamboard results


UNIC CityLabs


Gender Violence

Type of Case

discussion group

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