Peer Review Report: Erasmus University Rotterdam & University of Zagreb

Virtual Place


Start: 18.03.2023


University of Zagreb

Erasmus University Rotterdam and University of Zagreb collaborated in a Peer Review on Diversity and Inclusion in order to identify segways for peer-learning and further HEI development, fostering a safe and inclusive learning environment for youths of the cities.

The first round of UNIC Peer Review took place on between 28th - 30th of June 2021. Members of the IDEA Center (then known as the D&I office) of Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR), together with faculty representatives and members from UNIC, conducted peer-review interviews with representatives from University of Zagreb (UNiZG). The first round of peer review initiated many interesting conversations between staff members and students of the two universities.

The second round of peer review talks was held on 18th of March 2023. This round was a follow-up of the last round of peer review and the aim of the session was to find out the developments with regards to diversity and inclusion in UNiZG since 2021. The peer review provided opportunities of reflection on the progress made and the challenges faced, but also provided moments of learning and clarity on different topics that were discussed. The review was again conducted by members of the IDEA Center together with UNIC. From UNiZG, management and faculty representatives, students, and UNIC members participated in the interview.

Reviewing Team Members: Dr. Gwen de Bruin – Manager, IDEA Center; Dr. Yumna Asaf – Project Lead Inclusive Education, IDEA Center; Yara van Holten – Project Manager, UNIC

Reviewed Team Members: Prof. Jurica Pavičić, Vice-rector for International and Inter-institutional Cooperation; Ida Ogulinac, Expert Consultant / Office of the Vice-rector, Rectorate Miroslav Rajter, associate professor, Head of the Research Office; Prof. Nevenka Čavlek, Faculty of Economics and Business; Prof. Mirela Krešić, vice-dean for teaching, Faculty of Law; Lana Molvarec, Office for students with disabilities; Matea Vasilj, student representative; Karlo Kožina, student representative; Tijana Vukojičić Tomić, assistant professor, UNIC team member, Faculty of Law; Teo Giljević, associate professor, UNIC team member, Faculty of Law; Koraljka Modić Stanke, assistant professor, UNIC team member, Faculty of Law

The peer review has provided an objective assessment and suggested several strategies to further strengthen UniZG's diversity and inclusion activities.

The UNiZG ought to continue its efforts towards a more diverse and inclusive educational institution with focus on topics such as internationalization, student well-being, D&I trainings for staff, community engagement, and gender equality.


UNIC Superdiversity Academy


Diversity and Inclusion | HEI Development

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