IDEA center of EUR, student association board members.
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The Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access Center created a Toolkit to provide guidance for new student boards of student associations at the start of every academic year.
Virtual Place
Erasmus University Rotterdam
The Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access Center created a Toolkit to provide guidance for new student boards of student associations at the start of every academic year. Our student engagement officer makes sure that the new student boards have a good grasp of IDEA practices, as well as answering questions and concerns regarding IDEA. A combination of the board members having a handbook readily available to reference to and staying in close proximity with the D&I office of the university ensures that diversity and inclusion is taken into account within every decision in our student associations.
IDEA center of EUR, student association board members.
UNIC Superdiversity Academy | Superdiversity Schools
Diversity and Inclusion
best practice