Superdiversity & Higher Education

One of the fundamental driving forces of  UNIC is to develop best practices addressing superdiversity in our universities and post-industrial cities. Prof. Ahmet Icduygu of Koc University, director of the Migration Research Center at Koc University, comments on  the recently published ‘Superdiversity in Higher Education Settings: A State-of-the-Art Report’ co-authored by UNIC Koc team members, Birce Altiok, Birce Demiryontar and Souad Osseiran, highlighting why this topic is so important to not only the UNIC universities, but also for higher education institutions throughout Europe.

What is superdiversity? 

The SOA uses the definition coined by Steve Vertovec, Superdiversity  is  a multi-dimensional  approach  that  extends  beyond  a  focus  on  ethnicity  or  immigrant  status,  where several  identity  variables  like  country  of  origin,  migration  channel  and  immigration  status,  human capital, religious affiliation and practice, gender, age, language and space/place multiply, combine and differentially  converge .” 


Why is superdiversity interesting for Higher Education?

“At the UNIC universities, superdiverse  student  communities  are  already  present  and  included  in  teaching,  research  and administrative. However, we recognize a gap between higher education institutions’ strategies and policies and the needs of their superdiverse student populations. We argue that higher education institutions have the power to redevelop their policies and respond to the changes and growing complexities of their superdiverse student populations and that a superdiversity lens presents a productive framing from which to develop such a responsive approach.” 


The state-of-the-art report is the initial research output of  the UNIC  Superdiversity  Academy,  which  aims  to  combine  teaching  and  research  expertise,  for developing and applying an innovative model of superdiversity in teaching and learning. The goal of the report is to contribute  to  practical  and  policy  making  aspects  of  social,  economic  and  cultural  inclusion  in superdiverse  post-industrial  university  and  city  lives.  It is  a first step towards developing a model of practice for transforming higher education institutions and cities in superdiverse settings. It will  serve  as  a  handbook  for  upcoming  UNIC activities on superdiversity. 


To read the report, please click here: 

Superdiversity in Higher Education Settings: A State-of-the-Art Report

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