University of Zagreb Campus Day

UNIC was presented to a large number of high school graduates and students. As part of Campus day, Role-model talks were held with graduates of Zagreb secondary schools.


University of Zagreb Campus Day, Zagreb Fair


Start: 11.11.2022
End: 11.11.2022


The 27th Campus Day of the University of Zagreb was held from November 10 to 12, 2022. At 2022 Campus Day 34 faculties and art academies of the University of Zagreb and UNIC alliance were presented. At the UNIC stand, secondary school pupils, students and other interested parties could get all the information about UNIC's alliance and the creation of a new European university that will enable a significant increase in student mobility and involvement and to contribute to the creation of an exemplary model of inclusive education aimed at solving the problems of post-industrial cities and an increasingly diverse European society. UNIC representatives, academics and students, presented the UNIC project with the emphasis on the work of Superdiversity academy and student activities.
Students actively involved in UNIC presented their experience of studying at UNIC to pupils in the final year of secondary school. The purpose of these talks is to familiarize them with the system of higher education, especially those who have difficulty accessing higher education, and to help support talents. As part of this activity, in addition to the peer support that secondary school pupils receive from Role model students, the connection between the University of Zagreb and secondary schools in Zagreb is also encouraged. The event was attended by 98 students from the final grades of secondary schools in Zagreb. The plan is to continue the activities in the winter and continuously connect students and the entire academic community as part of UNIC's consortia with secondary schools in Zagreb.

  • students
  • high school graduates
  • academic teaching staff


UNIC Superdiversity Academy


Diversity and Inclusion | Higher Education | Inclusive Teaching

Type of Case

event | discussion group



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