UNIC Day at the University of Zagreb

University of Zagreb students who are actively involved in UNIC organized UNIC day with the aim of promoting UNIC, its values and goals.


Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Zagreb


Start: 16.12.2022
End: 16.12.2022


UNIC students from the University of Zagreb organized UNIC day on December 16, 2022 at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. With the aim of promoting UNIC, its values and goals UNIC day was designed as an interactive set of lectures, workshops and discussions between students, teachers/scientists and other partners institutions representatives (City of Zagreb) on topics covered by the UNIC project (post-industrial cities, distinct diversity, (green) mobility, etc.). After the introductory and welcome speech by the head of the UNIC project of the University of Zagreb, dean of the Faculty of Law, Professor Ivan Koprić, presentations and discussions of teachers and students involved in the project followed. Participants were presented with the project results achieved so far and with expected results in the future period. In this part of the program students who participated in different UNIC activities (student mobility, workshops, UNIC city laboratories, etc.) shared their positive experiences. As part of the UNIC day, a round table was organized on the topic of strengthening cooperation between the University, the City of Zagreb, private and civil sector organizations and other interested stakeholders. In the second part of the program, students participated in creative workshops focused on diverse topics important to the University and the City (University campus, green mobility, etc.). Relying on an interdisciplinary approach, students and teachers as their mentors from different faculties, divided into different groups, tried to formulate solutions for some of identified challenges at the University of Zagreb, but also at the local community as a whole. In the final part of the program, students presented their conclusions from workshops, which was followed by interesting comments and discussion from all participants.

  • students
  • researchers
  • academic teaching staff
  • administrative staff
  • city representatives
  • private sector representatives


UNIC Superdiversity Academy | Post-Industrial Cities | green transition | technology innovation | collaboration


Diversity and Inclusion | Social inclusion | Higher Education | Green cities sustainability | Future Cities | Technology

Type of Case

event | Panel discussion | Workshop



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