Student in Exile - How to overcome barriers for Student in Exile ? (UNIC Generation Lab)

This session main objective was to give a clear definition of Student in Exile and to identify levers and obstacles for their inclusivity

Virtual Place



Start: 20.05.2022
End: 20.05.2022



The questions to be answered were the following :

How does the University of Liège define "Student in Exile"? What the University does for the exiled student? How to ensure that their basic needs are fulfiled? What services are provided? What about their psychological needs? What about the funding of this support?
*What about the evaluation of these services?

  • Sarah Benarbia (Phd student Social Sciences, University Liege),
  • Gonzalo Chiriboga (Phd student Oceanography, University Liege),
  • Alperen Kars (Computer Science, Koç University), B
  • usie Mhlophe (University College Cork)
  • Annina Marlow (MA Theatre student, University College Cork)
  • Elsa Mescoli (Researchers, University of Liège)
  • Laura Beuker (Researcher and project manager, ULiège)
  • "Student in Exile" is a expression and not an "official" name. Categories of diversity as "students with special circumstances" is the official recognition (disability, gender identity, Socio-economic difficulties, Artists, coming from abroad, etc.)
  • There is no central EDI at Uliège : the issues are dealt with relevant services by staff members in charge of them (Student Quality of Life Department, Registration Department, International Relation Office, Research and innovation Administration, etc.)
  • The intersectionnalities have also to be considered
  • There are some engagements and campaigns (Gender, Respect, etc.) + a dedicated NGO (Eclosio)
  • Students are also engaging themselves in "circles" (CIVIX, for example)
  • Improving the experience of international students at ULiège is a "multi-service" challenge and full of complexity (life experience, etc.)
  • New initiatives coming with new authorities is still an open question.


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