Sexual health and consent

EUR has created an action plan against sexual violence, highlighting the fact that unwanted behavior is not tolerated at the institution.


Erasmus University Rotterdam


Start: 01.01.2022


After the study commissioned by Amnesty International revealed the deafening high rates of sexual violence encountered during students' day, it is of utmost urgency that even stronger emphasis needs to be put on tackling sexual violence at EUR. EUR thus has created an action plan against sexual violence, highlighting the fact that unwanted behavior is not tolerated at the institution. The EUR aim to raise awareness through dialogue, trainings, workshops on boundaries, communication, and consent. These activities will encourage conversations about consent and procedures for support after something happens, thus challenging the heavy stigma around the topic. The tools of EUR in this topic consists of a network of confidential counsellors, complaints procedure for inappropriate behavior, as well as a domestic violence and child abuse protocol, and a guideline for managers regarding aggression and violence. A video made together with the SCEDI was shown during the Eureka (Introduction) week to draw adequate attention to the topics and the resources available. IDEA Center activly cooperates with the Love Lab of ESSB, for scientific support.

Reach of video campaign is around 3000 first year students. In addition, around 300 students receive training or participate in dialogue on consent.


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