On 29th June 2021 we held a second pop-up city lab followed by first that occurred in May 2021. In 2nd pop-up city lab we addressed more deeply four recognised problems when it comes to urban resilience: 1. Lack of comprehensive crisis managment system starting from risk prevention to recovery, and lack of vision for future development 2. Inadequate crisis communication 3. Insufficient sensitivity for vulnerable social groups and lack of inclusive perspective in crisis management system 4. Insufficient knowledge, skills and mindset, both for citizens and generalist professionals, how to deal with crisis, prevent risks and activate numerous resources

Virtual Place

Workshop was structured in a following way 30 minutes – recap of first pop-up city lab conclusions and elaboration of four problems 60 minutes – work in subgroups with designated moderator 30 minutes – joint work with subgroups spoke-person reporting on conclusions


Start: 29.06.2021
End: 29.06.2021


City of Zagreb

On 29th June 2021 we held a second pop-up city lab followed by first that occurred in May 2021. In 2nd pop-up city lab we addressed more deeply four recognised problems when it comes to urban resilience:

  1. Lack of comprehensive crisis managment system starting from risk prevention to recovery, and lack of vision for future development
  2. Inadequate crisis communication
  3. Insufficient sensitivity for vulnerable social groups and lack of inclusive perspective in crisis management system
  4. Insufficient knowledge, skills and mindset, both for citizens and generalist professionals, how to deal with crisis, prevent risks and activate numerous resources

This pop-up city lab was held as an interactive 2 hour workshop with total of 58 local participants, and served as a preparatory city lab for virtual meeting platform that was organised following day in collaboration with University College Cork. Workshop was held on zoom using additionally breakout rooms options since participants were divided in 4 expert groups. All conclusions were introduced in extensive report that comprised both first and second pop-up city lab contributions (available on Croatian).

In second Pop-up CityLab total of 58 participants were included (14 university teachers, 1 non-teaching professionals from the university, 12 professionals from public or private organizations, 7 representatives from local administrations, 24 students). In total there were 58 participants with additional 4 moderators from the University

Description: we have detected concretely what is at the background of four major issues when it comes to urban resilience in Zagreb and shared ideas how we can proceed in resolving them. Each moderator systematised conclusions and divided them in four clusters that will be brought into virtual meeting platform. These solutions are gathered around following topics: developing comprehensive crisis management system; appropriate crisis communication; holistic support for the most vulnerable groups in crisis and strengthening competencies of experts and citizens for dealing with crisis.


UNIC CityLabs | Urban resilience

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