Engaged Research for Innovation: The KAIA Method

KAIA is a learning-research-action methodology developed by Deusto Cities presented during a VMP

Virtual Place


Start: 10.11.2022
End: 10.11.2022


Engaged research offers an interdisciplinary approach and method for the systematic production of knowledge not only for society, but also with and within society. It offers an approach that combines excellence with relevance and an innovative way of understanding current societal challenges through engagement with the social actors and communities directly involved in those challenges. In the first part of the workshop, Roberto San Salvador del Valle (Professor and Director of the Deusto Cities Lab Chair) presented one case of the application of this methodology in different areas of knowledge. Through the presentation of the Kaia method of research-action-learning by Roberto, the aim was to highlight the application of Engaged Research as a tool capable of promoting the development of urban laboratories of transformative innovation.

Total participants: 13

Total students: 2

Total Staff members: 10

Total representatives of societal stakeholders: 1

KAIA is a learning-research-action methodology developed by Deusto Cities, from the University of Deusto. It aims at promoting local sustainable urban development through a collaborative, transversal and transectoral governance. In fact, KAIA methodology stems from a desire to go beyond the traditional research approaches, and to have a real impact on our societies. For that, it aims to reach and engage a wider spectrum of agents, in favour of a collaborative governance that is transversal and transectoral, where citizens, organised civic society, private sector and public authorities co-create, promote and initiate sustainable transitions in our cities and neighbourhoods. Deusto Cities embodies this methodology in different areas of work.


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