CityLabs Festival (14-16/10/21): University theatre creation workshop

The result of a UNIC workshop open to all and marked with the seal of superdiversity and inclusion in its process, in its conception, as well as in its theme.


Théâtre Universitaire Royal de Liège (TURLg) Quai Roosevelt 1B 4000 Liège


Start: 16.10.2021
End: 16.10.2021


We do not invite you to an achieved theatrical performance. We will not present you a finished product. But you will take part in one of the work stages, the result of a UNIC workshop open to all and marked with the seal of superdiversity and inclusion in its process, in its conception, as well as in its theme.

A work carried out for 5 half-days –which is very little for this difficult kind of art! – by fifteen young students from the partner universities, with diverse profiles and no matter their theatre background: some are total beginners while others are much more experienced. This play is also directed by a team of five professors who tackle the challenge of sharing their crossed skills as well as elaborating a common artistic project.

All will have worked from scratch in order to make you discover a multiple series of characters modelled by the participants themselves, and all interacting in situations constructed for the occasion.

This theater play is organised by the Royal University Theater of Liège (Théâtre Universitaire Royal de Liège - TURLg).

Officially founded in 1941, the TURLg is an organisation associated with the University of Liège whose aim is to promote theatre at the university and university theatre.

The TURLG is active in various fields :

  • The production and creation of shows as well as their national and international distribution
  • The organisation of theatre workshops and training courses
  • The organisation of the Rencontres Internationales de Théâtre Universitaire (RITU)
  • Strengthening links with research and teaching


UNIC CityLabs


Diversity and Inclusion

Type of Case




Organizing unic universities

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